Stop Snoring & Start Sleeping Better Now!
marybethallen • Apr 06, 2022
Is your chronic snoring keeping your family awake at night?
Or is it your spouse who snores so loudly that you’re the one left tossing and turning?
In either case, one or both of you are probably walking around day after day feeling sluggish, cranky, and miserable as a result.
If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, then you need to TUNE IN this Friday, April 8 @ 10:35 a.m. EST to hear how we can help you Snore No More!
Dr. David Isaacs will be sitting down with Jay Skinner, host of The Buyers & Sellers Show , to discuss Sleep Better Indy , a specialty division of Isaacs Family Dental that offers customized treatment for one of the most underdiagnosed health problems in the country.
Obstructive sleep apnea keeps millions of people from getting the rest their bodies need for optimum performance and health, bringing a wide range of unpleasant symptoms with it, loud nightly snoring among them!
With our help, you can avoid the cumbersome CPAP machine and find the relief you need with a comfortable oral appliance that fits in the palm of your hand. Worn like a mouthguard while you sleep, this device puts your lower jaw in a better position for easy breathing and deep, restful sleep all night long.
It also reduces snoring so that you and your spouse can enjoy a quiet, peaceful night’s sleep and wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed.
Snoring can be so much more than just an annoyance. It could be your body’s way of telling you about a much more serious, potentially harmful underlying condition that’s putting your health and happiness at risk. So don’t forget to tune in live this Friday to watch Jay Skinner’s weekly show where Dr. Isaacs will discuss sleep apnea and the ways we can provide rest and relief in Indianapolis, IN.
We also invite you to visit Dr. Isaacs at Isaacs Family Dental to learn more about our sleep evaluation and treatment process. Call us today at 317-298-3384 to schedule an appointment in Indianapolis, IN. You can also contact us online for an appointment.
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